Department Overview

Inside the Fire Department It is our 24-hour a day, 7-day a week duty to make a difference in the lives of those that we serve and protect.

Fire Rescue Functions

  • Forest City Fire Rescue has a class 3 ISO rating
  • Provide fire, rescue and EMS services to the community
  • Respond to all alarms within 2 minutes of receipt
  • Arrive on the scene of all incidents within an average of 5 minutes from the time of alarm
  • Conduct public education in the area of fire prevention, extinguisher use, home safety inspections and accident prevention
  • Meet state and national standards for training for both paid and part-time personnel
  • Assist Burned Children's Fund of North Carolina by collecting aluminum cans and using proceeds to purchase equipment for the NC Jaycee's Burn Center
  • Provide and install smoke detectors for families in need
  • Annual blood drives for Red Cross
  • Primary provider for technical rescue inside the city limits; this includes vehicle extrication, confined space rescue, high angle rescue and hazardous material response
  • Permanent car seat checking station: Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 5:00PM. Please call 828.245.2111 for an appointment.


Forest City Fire Department Shield