OFFICE: 828.248.5215
FAX: 828.248.5227
E-MAIL: jasonwebb@townofforestcity.com
Public Water System ID # NC01-81-010
Our Service Mission
To provide a safe, potable water to our customers in a cost-effective manner while providing the highest level of quality which meets federal and state regulatory requirements.
Raw Water Source
The Town of Forest City receives its source water from the Second Broad River which runs southeast through Rutherford County. The raw water station has a settling canal, three 300-horsepower vertical turbine pumps, an emergency generator for power failure and approximately two and one-half miles of water lines to the treatment facility.
Treatment Facility
The Water Treatment Plant, constructed in 1948, is a conventional plant with the capability of producing 8 million gallons of water a day. The process consists of rapid mix, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Fluoride addition began in 1968.
Certified Laboratory
The Water Plant Laboratory is North Carolina Certified for the Bacteriological Analysis of drinking water. The Lab offers Bacteriological Analysis service to the general public for a $30 fee.
Facility Storage
The Plant has three clearwell storage basins with a total of 3.3 million gallons of water.
Distribution System
The Town's network of distribution lines extends beyond the city limits to serve various communities and other outlying areas. The Town sells water, under contract, to the towns of Bostic, Ellenboro and the Concord Community Water System. The Town of Forest City has over 2.7 million gallons of elevated water storage capacity and maintains a quality of excellence in our water system through consistent monitoring, testing and general routine maintenance.
Jason Webb - Holds an A- Surface North Carolina water treatment certification and a P/C 1 Wastewater certification and has 21 years of water treatment plant experience.
Chief Operator
Jesse Hill - holds an A - Surface North Carolina water treatment certification and a P/C 1 Wastewater certification and is the plant's Chief Operator.
William Brackett - Holds an A - Surface North Carolina State certification and a PC/1 Wastewater certification
Lewis Moore - Holds an A-Surface North Carolina State certification
Mitchell Suttle - Holds a A-Surface North Carolina State certification and a PC/1 Wastewater certification
Reid Condrey - Holds a C-Surface North Carolina State Certification
Nathan Greene - Operator in training